
Mouthguards are imperative for dental safety during all contact sports. They greatly reduce the risk of dental trauma, including fracture and movement of your teeth. They are easy to make and may save you a lot of time and money in the long-term. They’re created by making a mould (impression) of your teeth. Once the mould is taken, it’s sent off to the laboratory where the mouthguard is made.

You can choose from a variety of colours for your mouthguard – even your sporting team’s colours.  They can be worn by all sportspeople, including those who have braces, and by children who regularly have new teeth coming down.

Westfund mouthguards are comfortable, easy to speak and breathe with, as they are custom-made to perfectly fit your mouth.

We care about your dental health and recognise the importance of mouthguards – that’s why selected mouthguards have no out-of-pocket cost at Westfund Dental Care for Westfund members (subject to waiting periods and annual limits).


Australian Dental Association Fact Sheets

Play it safe – Wear a mouthguard